Wildlife Research and Conservation


Milvus Group Association - Romanian Ornithological Society



Gašpar Čamlík

Target species

Birds including birds of prey



This project led ALKA Wildlife, o.p.s. to contribute to the mapping of Romania’s bird populations. The project, “Sistemul national de gestiune si monitorizare a speciilor de pasari din România în baza articolului 12 din Directiva Pasari”, aims to map the current state of bird populations in Romania for the purpose of a compulsory EU report.

Our organisation was involved in two monitoring events - Mapping of common bird species, coordinated by SOR / Birdlife Romania by Zoltán D. Szabó and Zoltán Benko and the National Birds of Prey Inventory in Romania 2013-2014 for the Milvus Group, coordinated by Attila Marton.

For mapping of common birds, the aim was to map out all species of birds with a standardised method in a standardised area (2x2km) across two visits. Quadrates were randomly selected based on specified characteristics and a point survey method was used to count the birds. The National Birds of Prey Inventory, or predator monitoring, was undertaken to identify and record all the observed predators within three hours.