Wildlife Research and Conservation


The collection and analysis of otters in the Czech Republic has taken place since 1990. Since 2008 ALKA Wildlife has organised this project through various financial sources:

2008 - 2010: Through the project “Finding missing data on biology and ecology of the Eurasian otter: creating a population development model”

2011 - 2012: Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic and own funds

2013 - 2014: Own funds

2015 - 04/2017: Through the project “Implementation of selected measures from the care programme for the Eurasian otter in the Czech Republic”

05/2017 - 2018: Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic and own funds



We work with the following partners in collection and analysis:

Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic - Collecting dead otters

Czech Otter Foundation Fund - Collecting dead otters (Třeboňsko)

Pavlov rescue station, o.p.s. - Collecting dead otters (Vysočina region)

Police of the Czech Republic - Investigations into the illegal killings of otters

Ústí nad Labem City Museum - Post mortem and sample archiving

Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic - Genetic analysis

Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague and University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno - Parasitology

Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice - Inorganic substances in tissues




Lukáš Poledník: lukas.polednik@alkawildlife.eu, 606598903

Target species

Eurasian otter

Target area

Czech Republic

Project overview

Monitoring the status of endangered animal populations is usually based on assessing their distribution. Systematic data on the deaths of individuals, however, can also be a significant source of information. Finding the causes of wildlife mortality provides a valuable source of information about the factors affecting their populations. In addition to the causes of death, many important parameters of a given population can also be monitored by performing further analyses such as detailed autopsies, DNA analyses, X-rays, etc. These data can then be used to determine population age structure, sex ratio, mortality rate and genetic variability or gene flow. If collected over a long period of time and by a consistent method, these data are an invaluable tool for monitoring the development of these populations.

Project outputs

Further details about this project and more information on otters can be found at our dedicated website: vydryonline.cz

Detailed distribution of otters found on the roads and information on risk areas can be found on our online map: vydrynasilnici.cz

A brochure detailing the collection, analysis and results of otters found across the Czech Republic can be found here (Czech)