Wildlife Research and Conservation


Small Grant Scheme Rescue Programs for Special Protected Species II of Program CZ02

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

This project also had financial support from EEA funds 2009-2014 and the Ministry of the Environment. This content is exclusively the responsibility of ALKA Wildlife, o.p.s. and cannot in any way be regarded as the opinion of the donor or the Ministry of the Environment.


2 286 418,93 Kč





Lukáš Poledník

Target species

Eurasian otter

Target area

Czech Republic

Project objectives

The Eurasian otter is largest mammal living in our waters and has returned to the entirety of the Czech Republic after a significant drop in its numbers. There are still, however, many problems that threaten its existence. Implementation of selected measures of the “Care Programme for the Eurasian Otter in the Czech Republic” is vital to ensure long-term existence of this species in our landscape.

This project focused on two important factors that influence the existence:

  1. Traffic collisions where many otters perish on the roads annually
  2. Predator intolerance and conflict with some fishermen

Project activities

  1. Mapping ‘at risk’ areas on the roads and creating proposals for solutions and presentation of these results to the relevant road managers.
  2. Updating and reprinting the publication “Otter and Transport: A Guide to Reducing the Negative Impact of Traffic on the Eurasian Otter”
  3. Creation of a website for the professional public, including an online map of areas ‘at risk’ to the Eurasian otter and online advice for fishermen.
  4. Creation of a public website about the Otter trail on the Dyje.
  5. Organisation of excursions and lectures in Dačice.
  6. Conducting otter censuses in selected areas by snow tracking.
  7. Collecting and analysing dead otters throughout the Czech Republic.
  8. Completing the analysis of otter viability in our country.
  9. Testing measures to reduce otter predation on ponds.
  10. Writing a proposal for optimising the system of dealing with the conflict of economic interests of fisheries and otters.

Main project outputs

Website: www.vydryonline.cz

Project official website - detailed description of project activities, project news. The aim of the website is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on the Eurasian otter in the Czech Republic. The site is intended mainly for the professional public and fishermen.

Website: www.vydristezky.cz

Otter trail website - information for public and schools about otters. The aim of the website is to provide basic information for visitors to the nature trail along the Dyje River.

Online map: www.vydrynasilnici.cz

Otters on the road map - map of ‘at risk’ areas in the Czech Republic. The application is designed especially for PLO staff and road managers to obtain information on where incidents occur and how to improve road safety for otters and other animals wandering along the water.

Brochure: Collection and analysis of dead otters in the Czech Republic

Paper copies are available on request

Borchure: Updated version of Otters and transport - A guide to reducing the negative affect of traffic on Eurasian otters

Paper copies are available on request

Published articles

Nature Conservation Forum 3/2017: Otter and Transport - A Problem We Can Solve (pdf)

Nature Conservation Forum 2/2017: Roadways for the Eurasian Otter (pdf)

Nature Conservation Forum 1/2017: Otter and Transport - A Problem We Can Solve (pdf)

Bulletin Vydra 16: An article about the Eurasian otter monitoring project (pdf)

Hunting 8/2015: Monitoring of Eurasian Otters. What do the otters mean to us? (pdf)

Bulletin Vydra 17: Winter Otter Census in Selected Areas of the Czech Republic 2013-2017

Bulletin Vydra 17: Statistics on the illegal killing of Eurasian otters in the Czech Republic (pdf)