Beleco, z.s.
A project funded by Ministry of the Environment under the “Promotion of rescue programs of specially protected species in the Czech Republic”.
The project was financially supported by the Ministry of the Environment grant proceedings and does not express the opinions of the Ministry of the Environment.
Tereza Mináriková (vedoucí projektu)
Target species
Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx is a critically endangered and protected species in the Czech Republic. The biggest threat to the Eurasian lynx is poaching, which is still tolerated by the public. In addition, false rumours and myths are circulating about the biology of the Eurasian lynx, giving it a bad reputation to the general public.
Project aim
The aim of the ‘Lynx Stories’ project is to bring people closer to life of specific lynx from South and West Bohemia and to motivate them to protect this species. Stories will be published in the form of Facebook posts and website news updates, with photographs and videos, and the best stories will also be published as press releases. The project also includes improving the Lynx map, collaborating with the public on lynx monitoring and increasing communication with local hunters.
Lynx stories
Spolupráce se vyplatila: nové video rysa, v nové lokalitě
Jak je to s rysy v Novohradských horách?
Zkuste si rozpoznat jedince rysů
Jedinečná možnost pojmenovat rysí kočku!
Press releases
9.8.2016: Česko-bavorsko-rakouská rysí populace čítá 60-80 jedinců