Wildlife Research and Conservation


Authority of the South Moravian Region



Václav Beran

Target species

Birds of prey, Black stork (Ciconia nigra)

Target area

Mušovský luh

Drnholecký luh

Vranovický a Plačkův les

This project was an ornithological survey of strictly protected areas and Natura 2000 sites: Mušovský luh, Drnolecký luh and Vranovický Plačkův les.

It focused on mapping of nests of birds of prey and black stork. Each nest was located, GPS marked and examined for actual use of the nest by nesting birds in the year 2008. The nests of large birds of prey were located in order to provide protection of the site during nesting and for future years.

Most of these nests are used in successive years or at least new nests are built in the vicinity of the old ones. It is therefore imperative to monitor these sites and protect them for future nesting. Most of the birds of prey, and especially the Black stork, are sensitive to any kind of disturbance while nesting. Knowledge of the nest site allows us to minimise disturbing factors, namely forestry works, and to ensure the area is calm during the nesting period.