Registration №
EEA funds 2009-2014
Small Grant Scheme Rescue Programmes for Special Protected Species II of Program CZ02
Ministry of the Environment
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This project was created with financial support from the EEA funds 2009-2014 and the Ministry of the Environment. Its content is exclusively the responsibility of ALKA Wildlife, o.p.s. and cannot in any way be regarded as the opinion of the donor or the Ministry of the Environment.
1 095 440,88 Kč
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (The final beneficiary)
ALKA Wildlife, o.p.s. (Partner)
Target species
Saker falcon
Project aim
The aim of the project is to prepare a rescue programme for the Saker falcon (Falco cherrug), currently classed as a critically endangered species in the Czech Republic, and in 2012 the IUCN ranked it among the most endangered species worldwide.
The Saker falcon is one of our rarest nesting birds. It has been nesting in the Czech Republic since at least the nineteenth century. Currently, however, it only regularly nests only in South Moravia. The South Moravian nesting population has been mapped and protected since 1976. From 1976-1980, 13 nesting sites were identified. Thanks to the protection of nesting sites and probably the growth of the population in neighbouring countries, the number of observations in the Czech Republic is gradually increasing.
The national abundance of the Saker falcon is estimated to be 15-20 pairs in recent years. Due to extensive illegal hunting, however, the Asian population has fallen dramatically. It has been estimated that over the past 30 years its size has decreased by up to 90%. Thus, the small European population (about 600-800 pairs) has gained in importance and is currently receiving considerable conservation attention.
Project news[
Monitoring Saker falcon in 2015](/news/monitoring-raroha-velkého-v-roce-2015)