Lukáš Poledník, Kateřina Poledníková, Václav Beran, Gašpar Čamlík, Štěpán Zápotočný, Andreas Kranz
Bulletin Vydra
Publishing year
Study of otter distribution in the Czech Republic was carried out in autumn 2011. The survey was based on monitoring of otter signs at four to six sites (mainly bridges) per quadrant of 11,2 x 12 km (S-JTSK grid). The entire territory of the republic was surveyed. During the survey 2546 sites were controlled, 1843 of them being positive. In total 63 % of quadrants are regularly occupied by otter and additional 32 % of quadrants show “irregular” occurrence. The rest of the territory (5 % of quadrants) is without otter presence. Otter population has increased since the last survey in 2006, which means a continuation of the general positive trend of otter population in the Czech Republic since the 90’s of 20th century.