Wildlife Research and Conservation


Kateřina Poledníková, Lukáš Poledník, Andreas Kranz, Václav Beran, Gašpar Čamlík


Dačický vlastivědný sborník

Publishing year

The aim of this paper is to summarise the current results of long-term Eurasian otter research in Dačice. Intensive research into otters in this area began in 1995 and is still ongoing.

The major projects were:

  • Ecology of the Eurasian Otter in Pond Landscape (Universitätfür Bodenkultur, Wien)
  • The Effect of Otters on Fish in Streams in Ponds (University of Olomouc, financed by the Czech Science Foundation)
  • Development of a procedural framework for action plans to reconcile conflicts between large vertebrate conservation and use of biological resources: fisheries and fish-eating vertebrates a model case (FRAP; European Commission project under the fifth framework program; EVK2-CT-2002-00142) and
  • Finding missing data on the biology and ecology of the Eurasian otter: developing a development model population (ALKA Wildlife, ops, funded by VAV MŽPSP / 2d4 / 16/08)

Open publication "Eurasian otter in Dačice" (, PDF)
