Kateřina Poledníková, Lukáš Poledník, Andreas Kranz, Václav Beran, Gašpar Čamlík
Dačický vlastivědný sborník
Publishing year
The aim of this paper is to summarise the current results of long-term Eurasian otter research in Dačice. Intensive research into otters in this area began in 1995 and is still ongoing.
The major projects were:
- Ecology of the Eurasian Otter in Pond Landscape (Universitätfür Bodenkultur, Wien)
- The Effect of Otters on Fish in Streams in Ponds (University of Olomouc, financed by the Czech Science Foundation)
- Development of a procedural framework for action plans to reconcile conflicts between large vertebrate conservation and use of biological resources: fisheries and fish-eating vertebrates a model case (FRAP; European Commission project under the fifth framework program; EVK2-CT-2002-00142) and
- Finding missing data on the biology and ecology of the Eurasian otter: developing a development model population (ALKA Wildlife, ops, funded by VAV MŽPSP / 2d4 / 16/08)
Open publication "Eurasian otter in Dačice" (, PDF)