Looking for Edible dormice in Sovinec
We would like to invite you to look for edible dormice: checking nest boxes for dormice and listening for their calls at night in the forests below Sovinec Castle.
When: 19/09/2016
Where: Dlouhá Loučka (Moravian-Silesian Region, Bruntál District) (tel. 737475678)
Programme: Checking of nest boxes with practical demonstration of catches of dormice and evening monitoring including a night walk, returning no later than 23:00.
Recommended equipment: Sturdy shoes, insect repellent
Must carry: Head torch or other light source
Meeting point: First right turn on the road between Dlouhá Loučka and Valšovských Žleb, 400 m from the ZOD Agro gas station (cars can be parked directly at the meeting place).
About Dormice on the radio
If you can’t make it to Dlouhá Loučky, then listen out to our programme on Czech Radio Two, Meteor this weekend. The Meteor programme is going to be broadcast on Saturday at 8:05 am and on Sunday at 02:00, and ultimately it will end up in the radios archive.
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The project is implemented with the financial support of the EEA funds 2009-2014 and the Ministry of the Environment. The content of this seminar is exclusively the responsibility of ALKA Wildlife, o.p.s. and cannot in any way be regarded as the opinion of the donor or the Ministry of the Environment.