Records of dormice from you - beautiful photos and images of rare garden dormice

Garden dormouse (Photo: Jana Holá)
As previously reported, during the last year we have started a two-year nationwide monitoring project of the occurrence of the edible dormouse. The dormouse is quite a nice animal and one which people can come across in their cottages, on feeders, in hives, or sheds so we try to involve the public in our mapping.
We have had a great response after advertising in magazines, on the web and on Facebook! Already, we’ve received 75 public records. Generally, you have provided detailed observations and some great photos.
Here are some of the best ones submitted.
Dormice are sweet animals, with big eyes and long, fluffy tails. They can be lured out with food and sometimes you can get relatively close to them to see and observe them. They are interesting animals and can be quite surprising with their boldness.
Most fantastically, a member of the public has submitted a very special photo; the garden dormouse, the rarest dormouse in the Czech Republic. Its occurrence is now limited to Western Bohemia and every documented finding is of great conservational value (so thank you very much, Jana Holá).
We are still collecting data on the dormice for this year. If you see an edible (or any!) dormouse, please let us know, send us a photo or video.
Peter Adamík
Tel: 737475678
Kateřina Poledníková
Tel: 606598903
More information about the project ‘Extending the Dormouse and Determining Its Habitat in the Czech Republic’ can be found here.
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This activity is implemented with financial support from the EEA funds 2009-2014 and the Ministry of the Environment. Its content is solely the responsibility of ALKA Wildlife, ops and in no way can be regarded as the opinion of the donor or the Ministry of the Environment.